Saturday, September 11, 2010


Best thrift-store find EVAR.  Haha, oh god this beacon of glory is worth far more than the three bucks I paid for it!  I thought I'd share the awesomeness.

Another thrift-store adoption.  This singing bass will give it's life for the good of art!  I am going to make him a mold for an upcoming sculpture project.  He will be cast in bronze... more sculpture idea updates to come on this project... Gregory, the iguana, agrees that this is a brilliant idea... although he will miss Big Mouth :(

More contour ink drawings!
Drawing people on the bus is fun.

People creepin >.>
"Char char chaaaaarrrrr!" "....ruuuhhh" Yes this is me messing with nib pens.
GREEN INK with nibs.  This guy is definitely playing basketball.

Lamp in my room and a few inky peeps.
Drawing of a lady from Figure Drawing class. Hrm... more dark darks dammit!

I don't have a painting class this semester, but I will make sure to take time to pump out some paintings soonish!  Also, ceramic pretties are guaranteed ;)

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